Thursday, September 17, 2009

Eve Put Up with a Lot of Bull

OK, not really a phone cam picture...but you couldn't ask me to pass this up, could you? Saw it on someone's Facebook wall.

So this appears to be the classic story of Adam and Eve, except Adam's a bull? Are we hinting that perhaps the Original Sin was *gasp* bestiality?? Perhaps the artist just got his Bible and his Greek mythology mixed up (witness the Grecian column in the background). So maybe this is Venus and the Minotaur...with a snake.

And is that a sewer grate at the bottom of the snake's tree?

Now before any of you protest that this picture is not suitable for your very young children whom you've allowed to surf the 'net unattended, let me point out that there is a very adorable bunny rabbit in the lower right corner. I think that balances the picture to at least PG-13.

(All fun aside, the drawing is the work or North Carolina artist Fred Wise (on Facebook at, whose work I truly love.)

UPDATE: From artist Fred Wise: "It's actually Europa and Zeus. The serpent represents healing, as in that funky symbol you might see doctors use. There's other stuff in there too: benzene molecules. It could also be queen Pasiphae and the bull of Poseidon in their prelude to a minotaur. People want to go the Adam and Eve route, for whatever reason, despite the presence of the fluted greek column in the background, the tortoise, the hare, the drainage grate. Admittedly, the female figure is surrounded by stars, which typically signifies the virgin of the immaculate conception, but here could stand for her iconographic predecessor, Aphrodite - stella maris."

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