Thursday, September 24, 2009

Diaper Food: It's Not Just for Desert Anymore

Yesterday we broke the alarming (to us) news that people were creating cakes out of diapers. We were quickly informed by our female-type friends on Facebook that not only were such unthinkable creations common, they are beloved by said female types. Our ignorance of this phenomenon had the odd result of making us feel more manly than we had since that time we blew up an entire Lego city in our friend's back yard invaded Poland.

Now alert PublicLens reader Cayce has informed us that when it comes to culinary innovation, diapers are the chief ingredient.

Ladies and gentlemen, we give you (click "

Diaper Sushi

Original image at Etsy

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  1. dude, those are so totally towels, not diapers.

  2. Wrap a baby's but securely with the towel. Wait for the inevitable. If nothing leaks out, it's a diaper.

    I don't think my logic can be disputed.
